Certified Teachers

Our Certified teachers are educators with proven qualifications to ensure a high-quality learning experience for your child.

Special Education

Our Instutute insures to provide best and world class competative skilful Education.

Book & Library

More than 200 types of books of various subjects available for students in our library.


After completion of course every student will get minimum two certificate, which are valid in govt. and Private sectors.

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Our Courses

Our Skill developmemt programms for youth are available as follows, which will make you a skillful person, that will be helpful to get job in Government and private sectors on reputed post.

Course On Computer Concept[CCC]

Class time: 9:00AM - 10AM

This Course is practice by Our institute and examination will be conducted by Central Government's Institute NIELIT, New Delhi. Course Compulsury in various Government Job Exams.


Class time: 9:00AM - 10AM

This Course is practice by Our institute and examination will be conducted by Central Government's Institute NIELIT, New Delhi. Course Compulsury in various Government Job Exams.

Web Designing

Class time: 9:00AM - 10AM

This Course is practice by Our institute and examination will be conducted by Career Bright Institute Of Computer Education, which is helpful to get good job opportunity in private sector.

Basic Computer Course[BCC]

Class time: 10:00AM - 11AM

This Course is also practice by Our institute and examination will be conducted by Central Government's Institute NIELIT, New Delhi. Course is suitable to gain basic computer knowledge.

Advance Tally

Class time: 04:00PM - 05PM

This course is very useful for those who want to increase skills in accountancy, for office based jobs in various companies.

Tally Prime

Class time: 04:00PM - 05PM

This course is very useful for those who want to increase skills in accountancy, for office based jobs in various companies.


Class time: 04:00PM - 05:00PM

This course is very useful for those who want to increase skills in accountancy, for office based jobs in various companies.

Other Courses of Computer Science

Class time: 04:00PM - 05:00PM

In this type of courses we shall train you in various skills such as web designing, Auto Cad, C, C++, JAVA, PHP, SQL etc.

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Teaching Your Child Some Good Manners

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.

Certified Teachers

Details will be updated soon. Details will be updated soon. Details will be updated soon. Details will be updated soon. Details will be updated soon.

Mr.Umesh Chaturvedi

BCC, CCC and O-Level

I am an ambitious workaholic, but apart from that, pretty simple person.

Mr.Rituraj Bhardwaj

Web & Software

I ignite a passion for learning in my students by fostering a creative and supportive classroom environment.

Mr.Daya Shanker Sharma

Tally And Accountancy

I fully dedicated to accountancy subject to be a best Accountancy Professional.

Er. Lokesh Trivedi

Auto Cad

I am an ambitious workaholic, but apart from that, pretty simple person.

20 Years of Experience

Details will be updated soon. Details will be updated soon. Details will be updated soon. Details will be updated soon. Details will be updated soon.

0 Certified Teachers
0 Successful Students
0 Happy Parents
0 Awards Won